Monday, September 6, 2010

Why Facebook Marketing With Fan Pages is One Trend That Will Not Go Away Soon

By: early snock

Facebook marketing is one of the most powerful trends to hit online business marketing in years. With over 500 million subscribers now, Facebook is has become THE social media website. With an array of tools available to the creative marketer, Facebook is increasingly relied upon by marketers on a shoestring budget.

Why Facebook? Trust Thy Neighbor!

Consumer research over the past decade shows a very insistent trend of decreasing levels of trust for traditional authority figures and increasing trust for friends, neighbors and acquaintances. According to a 2009 Nielsen survey of over 25,000 consumers from over 50 countries, "90% of online consumers trust people they know, while 70% trust consumer opinions posted online."

This indicates the new power of the consumer-generated media in the decision-making process of most consumers today. Websites like Facebook are on the leading-edge of this powerful trend.

FaceBook Marketing Channels

In terms of Facebook marketing and advertising, it is still early in the game for any trendsetters who want to leverage this powerful social networks. There are a few different ways small businesses can generate customers and build publicity online through Facebook. These channels include:

  • Facebook ads
  • Facebook pages (including "notes")
  • Facebook newsfeeds
  • Groups


In the rest of this article, we will focus on some key features of the Facebook Fan Page.

Facebook Fan Pages (or Facebook Pages)

Facebook fan pages as they used to be called, operate in a similar way to individual Facebook "profiles" but there are some key differences.

Facebook pages feature a "Like" button by which registered members of Facebook can begin to receive page updates or even make comments on the page wall (when the page administrator allows it).

You can use Facebook pages to send "updates" - messages which show up on individual's wall when they "like" (subscribe) your page. Facebook pages are visible to people unregistered in Facebook, and therefore they are visible to the search engines. This is a powerful advantage for building "Do Follow" links to your web properties with the Facebook "notes" tab.

Facebook pages also allow the use of Apps which can extend the functionality of the page tabs such that html capture forms, YouTube videos, and other attractive elements can be embedded and other features added. Our consulting practice is now walking clients through turning their fan pages into a high-engagement mini-portal with videos, discussions, Facebook notes (roughly equivalent to blog posts), and Facebook page "wall" updates that feed information, links and pictures to everyone that "likes" their page.

Finally, Facebook pages can be promoted with Facebook Ads - something that Facebook Groups do not have access to.


If you own a small business, particularly a consumer-focused service firm or a local retail establishment, you cannot afford to ignore Facebook marketing with Facebook pages. Our case studies and marketing tests with this powerful Facebook channel have shown that you can combine it with virtually another marketing channel for great results.

Gogo Erekosima, The Small Business Digital Coach is the CEO and Lead strategist at


Now Pay Close Attention --

On the next page you will take a sneak peak at the upcoming secret system release for driving herds of targeted traffic to any site, affiliate or product and dump wads of cash into your bank account using this hidden facebook secret

Dumb kids on Facebook make $119,833.57!

So if you want to take a behind the curtain pre-release look at the facebook secret that is about to shake the internet to its core then I strongly recommend you read everything on the next page before it's too late!

Visit this page ==> Dumb kids on Facebook make $119,833.57!

About the Author

What if I told you to stop working day and night writing articles, posting blogs, setting up PPC campaigns, searching high and low for joint venture partners, creating videos ... and all the other back breaking and boring stuff? You don't need a website. You don't need Google. You don't need to create products. You don't need to fork out on costly advertising. You don't need any previous experience.
Take a peak at the system that is going to cause CHAOS all over the internet... Dumb kids on Facebook make $119,833.57!

(ArticlesBase SC #3209461)

Article Source: - Why Facebook Marketing With Fan Pages is One Trend That Will Not Go Away Soon

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