Thursday, August 26, 2010

Getting Relief From Credit Card Debt – How A Debt Settlement Works

By: Christopher Boris

Credit cards have become so commonplace these days that it's case of who hasn't got one as opposed to who's got one. The downside to all these credit cards though is a mounting debt burden. It is estimated that 1 in 3 Americans owe at least $2000 on a credit card. If you are one of these people and are looking for relief from credit card debt then this article will help you. Read on to see how you can start the debt free journey today...

The Debt Settlement Option
The current financial crisis has forced the government to step and regulate the financial industry, which quite frankly was out of control. Recognizing that millions of people are faced with mounting debt and few options outside of bankruptcy, the government has now forced credit card companies to consider debt settlement for millions of people across America.

Due to this, you can now negotiate a write-off of at approximately 50% off your credit card debt burden. The process involves a negotiation but with the help of a debt settlement specialist, you can be on your way to being debt free.

This option is also way better than the costly bankruptcy option, which normally ruins your credit rating entirely and put you in the financial wilderness for years.

What To Look for In a Debt Settlement Company
Once you make a firm decision to go the debt settlement route, you'll want to find a specialist which has a proven track record and isn't too difficult to access. Luckily many of these companies can be found online. Most offer a free consultation and will have your debt situation assessed in minutes. Often all you need to provide is an email address and they'll take it from there. The important thing is to avoid companies that want some sort of upfront fee before they look into your situation.

As you can see from the points above, having a huge credit card debt burden is not the end of the world. Though it might seem like that sometimes. The important thing is to keep your head and avoid drastic moves like filing for bankruptcy. Debt settlement is working for thousands of people and it can work for you too. Just find a good provider and you'll be on your way to 'debt free paradise' in no time. Good luck in your search and remember that the best ones are online and charge nothing for a consultation.
Final Note: Having a debt specialist on your side can greatly reduce the stress, as they do all the negotiating and paperwork on your behalf. I highly recommend that you first start off with a free debt evaluation in order determine the best course of action based on your financial situation.

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About the Author

Debt settlement is a legitimate alternative to filing bankruptcy. If a consumer has over $10k in unsecured debt and is currently experiencing a financial hardship then debt settlement can make financial sense. To find legitimate debt settlement companies in your state that have proven track records of settling consumer debts then check out the following link:

Or Call - 877-853-6466

(ArticlesBase SC #3136248)

Article Source: - Getting Relief From Credit Card Debt – How A Debt Settlement Works

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